Profesionālie video risinājumi

Neatkarīgi no tā, vai veidojat filmas, apraidāt, straumējat vai uzņemat dokumentālu materiālu, mūsu profesionālo kameru un objektīvu neparastās iespējas mainīs jūsu darba stilu ar video materiāliem.

Canon profesionālie video risinājumi

No kino un valsts sektora darbiem līdz apraidēm ārpus telpām un tiešraides straumēšanai — ideāli piemēroti būs Canon profesionālie video risinājumi.

Produktu klāsts

Mūsu produktu klāstā ir viss nepieciešamais, kā arī viss, ko vēlaties.

EOS_5D_Mark_IV Lifestyle Music Promo 24

Palīdzība un atbalsts

Esam šeit, lai atbildētu uz jūsu jautājumiem, atrisinātu problēmas un novirzītu jūs uz attiecīgo vietu, ja nepieciešams remonts.

Jaunākie pētījumi

  • Case Study

    Transforming cancer diagnostics with Canon PTZ cameras in Sweden

    Discover how CarePointer is pioneering the use of Canon PTZ cameras in Swedish hospitals to give healthcare professionals a closer look at cancer

  • Case Study

    Redefining TV broadcasting with Canon PTZs for one of Slovakia’s most popular channels

    Popular Slovakian channel, TV JOJ, is revolutionising the use of Canon CR-N500 PTZ cameras to produce TV-quality broadcasting. They are the first station in Slovakia to build PTZ exclusive studios.

  • Case Study

    How Canon PTZ Cameras and projectors showcase the beauty of biodiversity

    From T-rex bones to out-of-this-world meteorites, find out how Naturalis Biodiversity Center uses Canon PTZ cameras and projectors to get closer than ever to the beauty of nature.

  • Case Study

    PTZ cameras help Finnish live events company switch to hybrid

    AV production company SVV are used to producing huge events, from international summits to large-scale trade exhibitions. Find out how Canon CR-N500 PTZ cameras have helped reinvent their business offering in a new hybrid form.

  • Latest case studies

  • UK

    Filming an immersive dance experience with Canon's pioneering VR system

    Discover how Birmingham Royal Ballet's dream of creating a virtual reality video was realised using the latest Canon tech.


    Complete Canon kit upgrade for Romania’s largest independent TV channel

    Antena Group needed to be prepared for any production challenge, with Canon they were able to face it all: from Thai islands to ice rinks.


    Connecting citizens and government through the power of Canon PTZ cameras

    As the pandemic hit, the government of Provincie Drenthe wanted to maintain communication both internally and with the public – Canon PTZ cameras made this happen.


    From lecture halls to cow sheds: how PTZ cameras are upgrading online education

    Integrating PTZ cameras into the modern classroom. Find out how Canon helped Häme University of Applied Sciences develop teaching solutions fit for the 21st century.


    How Canon inspired childhood friends to kick-start their video production agency

    With a small team, Inspiroiva Creative wanted to tackle any brief their clients threw at them – a full fleet of Canon equipment helped make this happen.

  • UK

    How Canon is helping Middlesex University film students prepare for professional life

    “We shape and educate future creatives, and in turn Canon does too.”


    Instilling Confidence in Financial markets with Canon

    Raiffeisen Bank International needed to upgrade the quality and the quantity of their in-house production; Canon’s professional video solutions met their needs

  • Jaunākie stāsti un ziņas


    A decade of Canon Cinema EOS

    Discover how Cinema EOS – from the EOS C300 through to the EOS C70 – has enabled the making of 10 diverse productions over the past 10 years.


    B-cams for filmmakers – which is right for you?

    Discover the best B-cams in the Canon ecosystem – from Cinema EOS and mirrorless EOS to pro camcorders and PTZ.


    Exploring the magic of Canon cinema lenses

    Multi-award-winning DoP Martin Christ looks back over a career accompanied by Canon.


    Labākās Canon video kameras: jūsu ceļvedis

    Kura ir labākā profesionālā Canon video kamera tiešraides straumēšanai, ziņu apkopošanai un korporatīvām vajadzībām?


    Kā attāls darbs ļāva filmu veidotājiem turpināt darbu

    Divi filmu veidotāji stāsta, kā globālā mājsēde viņus piespieda ieviest inovācijas, lai turpinātu darbu, un ko tas nākotnē varētu nozīmēt.


    Filming and grading for HDR video

    Filming for HDR delivery? Experts reveal which Canon cameras are best for HDR video, why good exposure is key, and how to plan an HDR workflow.


    Papildiniet savas videoklipu uzņemšanas ierīces ar videokameru

    Filmu veidotājs Sebastjans Devo (Sébastien Devau) par Canon XA un XF profesionālo videokameru nozīmīgo lomu viņa filmās.


    Filming Italian news on the CN-E70-200mm T4.4 L IS

    How the Canon Compact Cine Servo lens brought challenging walking interviews to the screen with flair.


    Filming Nigella on Canon Cine Primes

    On celebrity chef Nigella Lawson's TV shows, the images are as rich as the food. DoP Robin Fox shares his shooting secrets.


    How to use 3D LUTs on the Canon EOS C70

    The EOS C70's Look File function enables you to apply 3D LUTs to your videos for outstanding creative control. Find out how they work and how to set them up.


    What matters to future filmmakers?

    Embracing challenges, collaboration and moving beyond the gatekeepers, young creatives Ashleigh Jadee, Jack Harries and Irene Cruz are pushing the boundaries of film.

  • Reģistrējieties tagad un iegūstiet priekšrocības

    Reģistrējieties, lai saņemtu padomus no citiem profesionāļiem, nozares jaunumus, uzaicinājumus uz pasākumiem, kā arī programmaparatūras atjauninājumus.

    Canon Camera