

Ideāli radoši pavadoņi nemierīgiem radītājiem. Iegādājieties Canon EOS R6 vai EOS R un saņemiet ievērojamu atlaidi.
Reģistrējiet produktu akcijas periodā un saņemiet līdz 400 € atlīdzību.


Canon izcilie R-sistēmas modeļi ir ideāli radoši pavadoņi nemierīgiem radītājiem. Pateicoties hibrīda iespējām un uzlabotajām funkcijām, tās ļauj turpināt meklēt, izpētīt un eksperimentēt. Iegādājieties Canon EOS R6 vai EOS R un saņemiet ievērojamu atlaidi. Kampaņas piedāvājums ir spēkā no 2021. gada 15. oktobra līdz 2021. gada 31. decembrim.

Esam pagarinājuši naudas atmaksas pieprasīšanas periodu līdz 13.2.2022. gadījumos, kad pirkuma pasūtījums tiek veikts akcijas periodā (15.10.2021-31.12.2021), bet akcijas preci saņemat 2022. gada janvārī. Pasūtījuma apliecinājumu lūdzu saglabājiet kopā ar pirkuma apliecinošu dokumentu, ja tas pieprasīts, piesakot pretenziju janvārī. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā arī to, ka pagarinājums attiecas tikai uz akcijas produktiem, kas saņemti līdz 31.1.2022.

Kampaņa produkti

  • Canon EOS R


    Pilnkadra bezspoguļu kamera, kas paver jaunas radošas iespējas fotogrāfiem un filmu veidotājiem.
  • Canon EOS R6


    Neatkarīgi no tā, ko fotografējat, jūs to darāt, un EOS R6 sniedz jums iespēju būt radošam vēl neapjaustos veidos.


Got a question? Here are answers to some of the most popular queries about this special offer

When will I receive my cashback payment?
We aim to issue a bank transfer within 28 days of receipt of a valid cashback claim with supporting receipts. Once your claim has been validated, you will receive an email to confirm that no further documentation is required, and your claim will be processed within 28 days.

How will I know if my claim is delayed due to incorrect or missing information?

There are 2 options:

  1. You can quickly check the status of your claim here and enter your claim reference number (this is on the top right of the confirmation email sent to you which you would have received when you submitted your claim).
  2. For more detailed information, or if there is a problem with your claim, click here and use your personalised login details previously emailed to you when we received your claim.

How will the payment reflect on my bank account?
Cashback payments are made by our fulfilment provider and payments are always referenced as ‘Canon’. Please check your bank account for this reference.

Why is my bank charging me transfer fees?
We will transfer the exact amount of cashback in local currency as advertised and endeavour to use local banks where possible to avoid beneficiary charges. However, Canon cannot be held liable for additional charges levied by your bank and you will need to speak to them if that occurs.

How will I know when payment will be made?
Once your claim has been successfully validated, we will arrange the cashback payment and you will receive an email informing you that the funds are in your account. You can quickly check the status of your claim here by entering your claim reference number.

I paid for my product by credit card so why can my payment not simply be refunded back onto that same credit card?
Canon cashback payments can only be made by bank transfer from our bank to the personal bank account details that you have provided at the time of registration.

Do I need to pay taxes or can I claim VAT back on cashback?
You are solely responsible for paying any taxes that they are required to pay by law Canon cannot advise on any of tax return procedures. Please check with your local tax authorities.

What formats can be used for uploading my proof of purchase when submitting my cashback claim and are there any size restrictions?
You can only upload JPG, TIF and PDF and your file should not be larger than 4MB. For more information on how to do this, please refer to our ‘Uploading your documents’ video which can be found on the promotion registration form.
Please note that you cannot apply for cashback via post, the promotion is online only.

What do I do if any of my registered account details have changed since my initial registration for the promotion and I need to update them?
You can update your bank details at any time here, using the log in details provided to you via email. Please note, that if it is close to your payment due date you should contact Sales Promotion immediately by email: or phone: +44 (0) 800 044 3251, and inform us.

I have ordered a Canon product within the dates specified for the promotion, but it will not arrive/be delivered by the retailer until after the valid promotional dates – can I still apply for the promotion?
Yes, please keep the order confirmation you have (which will be in the promotional dates) and upload this together with your invoice when you fill in the cashback application. There is a grace period of one month after the last purchase date, so you would be able to supply your documents.

I was unaware of this promotion and I purchased a product a few weeks before / after the specified promotion dates. Can Canon make an exception and authorise a cash back for my purchase?
Unfortunately, you can only apply for the promotion if your product is purchased within the dates stipulated in the Terms and Conditions.

What product must I already own to qualify for this promotion?

In summary, the exclusions include the following:
  1. Non-qualifying products (see here for a full list of promotional products)
  2. Product purchased outside of promotional territory
  3. Products which are counterfeit or infringe the intellectual property rights of the Canon group of companies in anyway (for example, including but not limited to ‘parallel/grey’ products which are genuine Canon products that are sold outside of the intended market at a discounted price). Please see here for further information.
Full Exclusions are detailed in the Terms and Conditions.

What promotional products are excluded from this cashback?

In summary, the exclusions include the following:
  1. Non-promotional products
  2. Product purchased outside the promotional period or outside of promotional territory
  3. Second-hand, refurbished or reconditioned products, or products which are counterfeit or infringe the intellectual property rights of the Canon group of companies in anyway (for example, including but not limited to ‘parallel/grey’ products which are genuine Canon products that are sold outside of the intended market at a discounted price). Please see here for further information.
  4. Products purchased outside of the EU.
  5. Products purchased from Amazon or eBay 3rd party resellers.
On the online claim form, what do you mean by ‘payment option’?
This refers to how you originally purchased the product.

Where is the product serial number?
To locate the serial number visit the link here and it will show you where it is for your product[s]. Please don’t confuse the serial number with the EAN/Barcode. The serial number is located on the body of the product itself.

Why can’t I log onto the customer portal to track my claim?

There could be one of a few reasons:
  1. Please use the login details we emailed you at the time you submitted your claim. If you didn’t receive the email, please check your spam.
  2. The login details are case sensitive - so please ensure you type it in exactly (with upper/ lower case).
  3. If you have forgotten your password, you can choose to reset your password here